uShip stands together with the Black community and against systemic racism and injustice that’s resulted in a system that turns its back on senseless tragedies for far too long. Change starts with the individual taking a personal stand against this inequitable treatment against all people of color.
But talk and hashtags are cheap. To take action, uShip is making a significant donation to social justice non-profits focused on supporting and advancing racial equality and stopping racial injustice.
Further, our open, neutral, balanced marketplace will continue to provide opportunity for small business owners and entrepreneurs, regardless of race, just as it has since 2004.
Among the thousands of active carriers who move large and bulky items on uShip, what sets them apart IS their diversity along with gumption, fortitude, grit, problem-solving ability, and above-and-beyond customer service. We’re proud to provide this platform that supplies the opportunities where businesses are built and livings are made.
In addition to our donation and our existing marketplace dynamic, we will challenge ourselves as a company to continually look at the roles we play and find ways to be an active part of the solution.