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Your price estimate for Boats > Power Boats, shipping from 36302 to 06828 is:

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My Power Boats Shipment 1149 mi. 16 ft. 36302 06828 $1,537.84 100% Relevance is based on factors such as weight, mileage, location, and dimensions, which allow us to provide the most accurate estimate possible.
Comparable Shipments Distance Length From To Match Price Relevance
A. Hell’s Bay on trailer 1169 mi. 16 ft. 78336 32712 $1,200.00 94%
B. Scarab 1195 mi. 16 ft. 59937 55378 $1,488.00 94%
C. Water Jet Car 1050 mi. 16 ft. 33131 20599 $1,600.00 93%
D. 11 t Zodiac Inflatable on a tr 1130 mi. 15 ft. 05446 42211 $1,800.00 92%
E. 18 foot carolina skiff on trai 1126 mi. 18 ft. 32328 08753 $2,000.00 92%
F. 16ft pontoon boat on single ax 1313 mi. 16 ft. 32640 54161 $1,800.00 92%
G. 18ft Bayliner 1139 mi. 18 ft. 34231 08260 $1,650.00 92%
H. 1971 15 ft Tarpon Boat on trai 1192 mi. 15 ft. 76245 28439 $1,139.24 91%
I. 2023 G3 17CCJ DLX Boat on Trai 1242 mi. 17 ft. 17815 33010 $1,600.00 91%
J. 16ft Marsh hawk 766 mi. 16 ft. 48730 03431 $1,100.00 90%