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Your price estimate for Heavy Equipment, shipping from 32099 to 45401 is:

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My Heavy Equipment Shipment 848 mi. 50,000.0 lbs 32099 45401 $3,816.32 100% Relevance is based on factors such as weight, mileage, location, and dimensions, which allow us to provide the most accurate estimate possible.
Comparable Shipments Distance Weight From To Match Price Relevance
A. 2 heavy equipment items for tr 923 mi. 50732 lbs 83854 94063 $4,500.00 94%
B. Caterpillar John henr 757 mi. 56150 lbs 25312 05735 $4,460.00 89%
C. 3 heavy equipment items for tr 825 mi. 39952 lbs 77396 30204 $3,048.00 88%
D. 3 heavy equipment items for tr 856 mi. 44049 lbs 80504 85041 $3,501.01 88%
E. soil reclaimer 950 mi. 45000 lbs 80117 77351 $3,000.00 88%
F. 2011 komatsu D65PX-16 D65PX-16 908 mi. 46000 lbs 29056 49010 $5,299.98 88%
G. John Deere 270LC 988 mi. 52410 lbs 33897 19801 $4,195.00 88%
H. 9 heavy equipment items for tr 692 mi. 54000 lbs 98672 95446 $2,900.00 88%
I. John Deere 300D 857 mi. 42990 lbs 55415 40741 $3,995.00 87%
J. 2 heavy equipment items for tr 844 mi. 36400 lbs 20602 34787 $3,200.00 86%