Star State Transporting

Novo Transportador

Encontre Cargas, Não Importa o Que Transportar

Com novas cargas publicadas a cada 30 segundos, tem sempre oportunidades de frete na uShip.

Informações da Empresa

Star State Transporting provides transport services nationwide, as well as normal route is between Texas and Georgia. We provide continuous transport to and from all Auto Auctions (including inoperable & salvage auction transport) with destinations to all major cities. US. Port delivery is also a provided service. We also provide Drive-Away Transporting, and offer Transporting plates for vehices and trailers without tags. All of our drivers hold TWIC badges. Star State Transporting and our partner carriers, are fully insured, and your vehicle is fully insured, in transit, when you choose Star State Transporting. Our dispatch is at your service 24/7. Servicing residential and commercial clientel. My Equipment: (2005) Ford F350 Dually - (2010) 3 Car Open Trailer - (1998) Ford Econoline E350 Cargo Van

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Como a uShip Funciona?

Crie um anúncio com detalhes sobre sua carga. Revise e comunique-se com os transportadores enquanto eles oferecem cotações. Selecione o preço desejado e reserve o frete.

Encontre Cargas, Não Importa o Que Transportar

Com novas cargas publicadas a cada 30 segundos, tem sempre oportunidades de frete na uShip.

Pronto Para Transportar? Receba Cotações Grátis