cross country express



Encontre Cargas, Não Importa o Que Transportar

Com novas cargas publicadas a cada 30 segundos, tem sempre oportunidades de frete na uShip.

Informações da Empresa

we are a husband and wife team, we have worked very hard to maintain a safe and non accident free business. we have no traffic violations, we travel from coast to coast, our customers are number one, we cater to our customers. we are new to uship but we are not new to transporting, we do have references and we will be glad to give them to you. we have hauled autos, boats, household furnishings, stock trailers, rvs and horse trailers,also motorcycles. if it can be transported we can do it, just give us a try and you will be glad you did.we do everything in our power to keep transport cost down, but with the price of fuel these days, i try to do more then one load to help our customers to keep shipping cost down. i am fully insured with cargo insurance. we will be glad to service your shipments, so lets do some business together, i have a cell phone and you can contact me at any time to keep track of where your load is and when it will get there, so give us try.

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Escolhendo seu Transportador

A uShip é um mercado aberto onde você pode se conectar com transportadores avaliados por clientes. Cadastre-se na uShip para ver avaliações de cross country express e milhares de outros transportadores.

Como a uShip Funciona?

Crie um anúncio com detalhes sobre sua carga. Revise e comunique-se com os transportadores enquanto eles oferecem cotações. Selecione o preço desejado e reserve o frete.

Encontre Cargas, Não Importa o Que Transportar

Com novas cargas publicadas a cada 30 segundos, tem sempre oportunidades de frete na uShip.

Pronto Para Transportar? Receba Cotações Grátis