

Encontre Cargas, Não Importa o Que Transportar

Com novas cargas publicadas a cada 30 segundos, tem sempre oportunidades de frete na uShip.

Informações da Empresa

I have been in the trucking business for over 30 years as an owner operator. Did over size loads for 12+ years . Been hauling RVs and boats for past 12 + yrs. All that time I never had an accident or a damage claim! I got out for a while due to health problems. Got that straightened out now for the most part. But I don't have the money or inclination to get into big rigging again . I own a nice Dodge diesel dually pickup. It is an older truck but everything mechanical is new or rebuilt. Been all over the country with it never let me down. Plus I am my own mechanic, did all the work myself . Has a flat bed so no clearance prolems for 5th wheel.over size flaps/rock guads for protection of towed vehicle.I have all the hitches you can think of , fifth wheel, goose neck, balls of various sizes, pintle. Wired for electric brakes ready to go. I never accepted a load and did not get it there , Not about to start now! Thanks . let me know if you need something moved I won't let you down!

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Crie um anúncio com detalhes sobre sua carga. Revise e comunique-se com os transportadores enquanto eles oferecem cotações. Selecione o preço desejado e reserve o frete.

Encontre Cargas, Não Importa o Que Transportar

Com novas cargas publicadas a cada 30 segundos, tem sempre oportunidades de frete na uShip.

Pronto Para Transportar? Receba Cotações Grátis