• Shipment Information
  • Pickup & Delivery
  • User Information
  • Check Email
Choose Shipment Information
* Required
Secure Page * = Required
Auction Information
eBay Item Import  (optional)

We can prefill this form with information from the eBay auction listing. You will have the opportunity to edit this imported information.

Proxibid Item Import

We can prefill your uShip listing with information from the Proxibid website. You will have the opportunity to edit this imported information.

Please copy and paste the URL for your item from the Proxibid website (optional):
Example: https://www.proxibid.com/asp/LotDetail.asp?ahid=1234&aid=56789&lid=1234567
Etsy Item Import

We can prefill your uShip listing with information from the Etsy website. You will have the opportunity to edit this imported information.

Please copy and paste the URL for your item from the Etsy website (optional):
Example: https://www.etsy.com/listing/94532754/hand-stitched-red-leather-card-holder
Network International Lot Import (optional)
If you know the lot numbers, we can prefill the form with information from the Network International auction.
To link your Ritchie Bros account to your uShip account, please use the same email address you have on file with Ritchie Bros when creating your uShip account.
Ritchie Bros. Lot Import (optional)
If you know the lot numbers, we can prefill the form with information from the Ritchie Bros. auction.
Select an auction site, enter your lot numbers then select "Import Lot Information".
This will not be displayed until shipment is booked.
Separate lot numbers with a comma or a space.
Sheep Information
(e.g., 10 Adult Sheep)
This will become the title of your listing, so be as descriptive as possible. You do not have to include pickup or delivery information here.
(Please note, animals not current on vaccinations should not be transported)
(if no, please explain in the "Additional Details" box below)
(if yes, please explain in the "Additional Information" box below)
Additional Listing Information