It’s a good idea to take the proper precautions and make sure you are completely ready for shipping your ATV when the carrier comes. Properly document all of the pre-existing scratches and damages on the vehicle. If you do this correctly you can avoid any confusion if a protection case is later necessary. When you’re initially preparing your ATV for transport, you should follow these steps:
- Thoroughly wash your ATV.
- List all the dings, scratches, dents and related marks that you’ve made on your ATV.
- Document any other problems that the ATV is experience, i.e. mechanical issues or leaks.
- Take pictures from many different angles for photographic evidence of ATV’s condition.
- Find past invoices and other documents from body shops. Show them to your carrier.
It’s unlikely that the carrier’s company policy will require you to drain your gas tank, but it’s a good idea to check first and make you that you have a proper understanding of what is expected. Some companies will ask that you drain your tank to a level between 1/4 and 1/2 full.
Remove all personal and loose items as the carrier won’t be responsible for those items. Any accessories lost will not be covered by the carrier’s coverage.
Keep your ATV in good, working condition before it is shipped. Though it’s unlikely, a situation might arise where the carrier will need to transfer your ATV from one trailer to another during shipping. The carrier will probably be the individual driving the ATV on and off the trailer, though, so it’s a good idea to follow these steps to make sure your ATV is ready for whatever situation arises:
- Keep your tires inflated
- Fully charge the battery
- Make sure there are no fluid leaks
- Fill the tank with the appropriate amount of gasoline.
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